Maintenance The maintaining of the two systems is where the work really begins. This is where TeleFinder really shines because all you have to do is create a folder, fill it full of files, name it, then launch the Host software and select a path to that folder. Then presto, that folder shows up on the caller's desktop. The only personal touch allowed is what you can do in the Finder, e.g., change the color of the icon, change the view of the files, etc. Whereas FirstClass makes you do the same work that the caller does, you have to manually upload each file to the conference that you want the file to be presented in. Then, if you want to be able to describe to the caller what the file is, you have to attach it to a message first, then upload it and the message to the intended conference. This can be a real chore when you are talking about 50 to 100 megabytes of files to be uploaded by you that need to have descriptions added etc. FirstClass does offer a couple of other methods of getting files into the right place, though, just to be fair. You also have the option of just "uploading" a file to an area, but you better be sure that the name of the file is all that is required because when the caller double clicks on this file all they will get is the SFPutDialog asking where on your system you would like to save this file before it starts downloading the file. The last method of getting files onto your FirstClass system is by using the Installer utility that allows you to "Install External Folder." This is how you install your CD's, but I would not recommend this method for other uses. One other nice feature that FirstClass has is an automatic message expiry feature where the sysop needs to only set a length of time that they want messages to accumulate, I for example have mine set for 20 days.